Claire Denis’ “Both Sides of the Blade”
Both Sides of the Blade (Avec amour et acharnement) (2022)
This low grade soap with high grade actors takes an unsavoury delight in Binoche’s misery (and nudity) while sporting an air of self-importance undercut by laughably on-the-nose symbolism
Practically all the flaws in “Let the Sunshine In” are repeated here and I can’t help but think Denis who has written and directed four feature films since 2017 would do well to spend more time on the scripts. I’m not sure if I care to watch Juliette Binoche as a woman falling apart in another of Denis’ productions where she is barely afforded the luxury of clothing or being a woman consumed by her emotions. Looking at this together with “Let the Sunshine In” they both have children who are almost entirely sidelined, both feature a female protagonist that come across as out-of-control and needy, and both have clunky symbolism and a patronising message in big letters that wouldn’t look out of place on one of those twee signs people put up in their home with a vapid “inspirational” quote.
Juliette Binoche and Vincent Lindon put in some great performances, but they both deserve better. Sadly, I’m still waiting for something as strong and unique as “Beau Travail” from Denis but I’m starting to think that might never happen.